强大的遗产. 更强的未来.

Mount Mercy大学是在困难时期由坚强的女性建立的,她们迎接挑战并将Mercy的使命向前推进. 今天, 我们的大学社区选择以我们的创始人所表现出的同样的决心和决心来迎接困难时期的挑战.

慈悲山是一所天主教大学,以慈悲姐妹的精神提供以学生为中心的教育,欢迎所有信仰的人加入我们的社区,追求学士学位和研究生教育,并为有需要的人提供富有同情心的服务. 我们力求卓越,通过四个相互依存的目标来完成我们的使命:使用反思的判断, 参与战略沟通, 服务大众利益, 提倡有目的的生活.

Lifelong learning 和 教育 of the whole person

我们相信教育是一种终身的经历,学习使整个人在智力上得到发展, 精神上, 在情感上, 和身体上.


We foster free inquiry in a compassionate culture where our dedication to faith, 真理, Mercy supports the dignity of each person within the human community.










We instill a sense of responsibility 和 caring that calls us to serve the common good.


承诺# 1


  • Provide values-based liberal arts 教育 aligned with workforce needs
  • Be the top private nursing 和 health university in Iowa
  • Meet the 教育 goals of students at every stage of their career

承诺# 2

We Will Provide a Life-Changing Student Experience

  • 投资学生的热情
  • 确保所有人都感到受欢迎和重视
  • Maximize our facilities 和 technological capabilities

承诺# 3

We Will Make Mount Mercy the Heart of the 社区

  • 通过伙伴关系加强我们的社区
  • 活出我们天主教慈悲的使命和价值观
  • 成为解决方案的可信资源

承诺# 4

We Will Ensure Mount Mercy is Stronger Tomorrow than it is 今天

  • Establish financial wellness 和 sustainability
  • 做一个有远见的雇主
  • 大力培育慈善文化


Provide values-based liberal arts 教育 aligned with workforce needs

The core of Mount Mercy’s mission is to educate. Mount Mercy will provide a distinctive 教育al experience, 有意设计1)包含天主教仁慈价值观的文科教育,2)发展现代雇主所需的能力. 为了解决这个问题, we will ensure the integration of Catholic Mercy values into all disciplines, while also increasing experiential learning 和 other high-impact practices. 我们将分析和修订我们的核心课程. We will ensure that our students see success as they move into their careers.  

Be the top private nursing 和 health university in Iowa

Aligned with our mission, Mount Mercy has always responded to the needs of the time. There is no greater need in our community at this time than of value-educated health professionals. Mount Mercy will increase the number of nurses we graduate in our traditional BSN程序RN-BSN程序MSN程序DNP程序. 我们将与社区卫生伙伴合作,为我们的学生提供实用的教育和就业机会. 工作场所需要改变, 我们的课程将适应,所以我们的护理学生总是准备在第一天成为优秀的护士. We will increase enrollment in our 项目 that address health—physical, mental, societal. We will also strengthen those 项目’ connections with employers in the community. In addition, we will work to pair other disciplines—such as 数据科学—with our health care 项目 to meet the changing dem和s health employers face.

Meet the 教育 goals of students at every stage of their career

我们的 业务教育 项目, Mount Mercy已经发展壮大,并将继续提供多种形式的研究生和本科学位. We will emphasize the growth 和 strength of our graduate 和 adult 项目. Mount Mercy将通过创新的学术规划帮助学生规划出一条与众不同的毕业之路, 动态体验式学习, 以及沉浸式的服务文化. We will develop a leadership curriculum 和 leadership initiatives across all student populations. Mount Mercy将努力确保我们的学生能够实现他们的个人潜力,并在他们选择的职业中脱颖而出. Mount Mercy will become nimble at all levels in developing 和 approving academic changes. Specifically in our 业务 majors 和 项目, 我们将迅速响应不断变化的需求,以保持和建立我们在社会上的声誉.

We Will Provide a Life-Changing Student Experience


大多数参加Mount Mercy的本科生在获得学位的同时仍保持着自己的热情. 我们希望学生通过接触资源丰富和支持的课外项目来爱上Mount Mercy,激发他们的激情. We will ensure our students engage in leadership, 服务, travel opportunities by providing meaningful funding 和 support for those crucial experiences. 我们的 表演艺术运动项目 会得到支持和加强吗. We also will create meaningful opportunities through our other co-curricular activities.


我们的天主教慈悲身份为我们提供了一个框架,以确保每个学生都觉得他们属于慈悲山社区. 当所有人都有机会自由参与时,我们的社区会更加丰富,我们的教育也会更加健全. 我们将确保所有的教职员工, 工作人员, students have the opportunity to underst和 和 practice diversity, 股本, 和包容性. We will make certain a broad spectrum of viewpoints is given consideration 和 that thought, 讨论, 理性是受欢迎的. In the Catholic Mercy tradition, we will provide for the spiritual life of our students. We will cultivate an environment that promotes wellness, 心理健康, 可访问性, 以及学生的归属感. 不管学生是住在学校的宿舍里,还是在另一个城市的屏幕上上课, we will ensure all feel a connection to Mount Mercy.

Maximize our facilities 和 technological capabilities

To provide our students with the type of experience expected from a university of our caliber, we must ensure our infrastructure meets our needs. 我们将充分和有效地利用我们现有的资源,以便我们可以适当地计划必要的增加. We will update our classrooms 和 living spaces. We will improve 和 increase facilities for 表演艺术 和 athletics. We will ensure our technology 和 support continue to adapt to meet our needs across all modalities.

We Will Make Mount Mercy the Heart of the 社区


When Mount Mercy enters into partnerships, it does more than just strengthen the university. 它加强了社区. We will continue to look for ways that our work can benefit the community. We will engage 业务 leaders to develop mutually advantageous partnerships 和 endeavors. We will work with K-12 schools to increase the percentage of their students who go on to college. 我们将积极与社区和政治领导人合作,改善校园周围的社区. 我们将寻求与其他学院合作的机会,使我们的使命向前发展.


我们的 distinctive Catholic Mercy identity is the foundation upon which this university is built. We will bring our mission 和 values to action through spiritual 和 sacramental life, 关于信仰和意义的探索, 以及对社区的服务. 我们被赋予了非凡的天赋, we will share those gifts through work with Catholic K-12 教育, 当地的教区, 以及更广泛的天主教社区. 我们还将展示为什么我们学生的道德养成对他们每个人以及我们的社区都是如此重要.


来支持锡达拉皮兹的持续发展, Mount Mercy must meet the needs of employers 和 residents. 我们将提供有道德基础的毕业生,他们将改善他们所服务的企业和组织. 我们将召开讨论和会议,对关键问题进行辩论和审议. 我们将更充分地利用我们与校友的关系,以便在他们毕业后继续为他们提供价值. We will make our campus available to host events that bring richness to the community.

We Will Ensure Mount Mercy is Stronger Tomorrow than it is 今天

Establish financial wellness 和 sustainability

Courageous women established Mount Mercy to meet the needs of the community. 继续这项雄心勃勃的工作, Mount Mercy将通过审慎的财务管理和调整资源以巩固优势,确保该机构的长期财政健康. We will implement long-term sustainability strategies by growing funding sources 和 predictable, 其他收入来源. 扩大各级招生规模, 从识别开始, 阐明, 营销我们的价值主张. Mount Mercy将开发并最大限度地利用一个充分开发的品牌活动,以最好地推广大学. We will generate revenue through the use of our facilities. We will develop 和 execute a plan to better utilize summer as a revenue-generating opportunity. 我们还将研究合作的机会,以共同承担费用和共用设施.


The success of Mount Mercy is dependent upon our faculty 和 工作人员. In order to provide our students with the best possible 教育 和 experience, we must ensure that Mount Mercy attracts 和 retains the best 和 brightest employees. To do this, we will create a sense of pride in working at Mount Mercy. 加强对职工成长的支持,创新就业模式和方式. We will develop a broad compensation strategy to create better balance between work 和 compensation. Mount Mercy将努力增加教师和高级行政职位的多元化候选人数量.


Mount Mercy的成功也依赖于校友和那些重视大学使命的社区人士的慷慨. Mount Mercy将创建并执行一个综合的校园总体规划,考虑并优先考虑学术, 休闲, 以及居住需求. We will build more robust philanthropic relationships with alumni 和 friends of the university. 我们将发起一次成功的筹资活动,为建立资本提供必要的手段, 编程, 捐赠目标.